Ready to become a member?
Benefits & Costs:Annual Membership Cost: Individuals: $12. Family (of up to 4): $24 Lifetime Individual Membership Cost: $100 Why should I become a Member? Canoe Trail Goliad is a non-profit organization, the larger our Membership, the better our chances of getting the needed grants and donations necessary to complete our mission to improve the landing sites along our San Antonio River. Your membership fee is tax deductible, and the monies collected go to the general goal of educating the public about our river, gaining access to it, paddling safety, etc. What are the benefits of being a Member? Canoe Trail Goliad Members may reserve one of the kayaks owned by our organization for any of the scheduled flotillas throughout the year. These are on a first come, first served basis, so you must reserve early. We currently own 14 2-person sit on top kayaks and 2 1-person kayaks. |